Spotlight: Creation, by Bjørn Larssen



Creation by Bjørn Larssen
Series: Why Odin Drinks (#1)
Published: August 18, 2021
Genre: Humorous Fantasy, Satire Norse Mythology retelling
Pages: 84
CW: Contains the word “ass-thetics”
POSSIBLE ULTIMATE TOUR EXPERIENCE TICKETS: Valhalla Awaits, Bring On The Magic, Simply Mythical


In the beginning there was confusion.

Ever woken up being a God, but not knowing how to God properly? Your brothers keep creating mosquitoes and celery and other, more threatening weapons. What can your ultimate answer be – the one that will make you THE All-Father and them, at best, the All-Those-Uncles-We-All-Have-But-Don’t-Talk-About?

“FML! The answer’s why I drink!” – Odin

Perfect for fans of Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Thomas Hobbes of Malmesbury, and Mrs Brown’s Boys.

Goodreads / Buy


Author Info

Bjørn Larssen is a Norse heathen made in Poland, but mostly located in a Dutch suburb, except for his heart which he lost in Iceland. Born in 1977, he self-published his first graphic novel at the age of seven in a limited edition of one, following this achievement several decades later with his first book containing multiple sentences and winning awards he didn’t design himself. His writing is described as ‘dark’ and ‘literary’, but he remains incapable of taking anything seriously for more than 60 seconds.

Bjørn has a degree in mathematics and has worked as a graphic designer, a model, a bartender, and a blacksmith (not all at the same time). His hobbies include sitting by open fires, dressing like an extra from Vikings, installing operating systems, and dreaming about living in a log cabin in the north of Iceland. He owns one (1) husband and is owned by one (1) neighbourhood cat.





Spotlight & Giveaway: The Skin, by J. E. Hannaford



The Skin
by J. E. Hannaford
Series: Black Hind’s Wake (#1)
Published: October 18, 2021
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 418

CW: Violence; Gun, Gore, Poisons, Venom, Abuse/imprisonment, Human (selkie) trafficking, Animal cruelty, Fat phobia, Eating disorder, Substance abuse

POSSIBLE ULTIMATE TOUR EXPERIENCE TICKETS: Let’s Get The Party Started, An Unforgettable Sidekick, Represent, Under The Sea, It’s All About The Journey, That Ship Has Sailed, The More The Merrier, The Wings Of Change, I’m Not Crying, You Are Crying, Bring On The Magic, Simply Mythical

The Skin - Octopus (21 x 6 cm) FINAL (15-8-21)

You cannot fix this world alone, Selkie.’

‘I know. But, when we die, all that is left are shadows of our lives preserved in the memories of those who remain. I plan on leaving an exceptionally long shadow, filled with ripples of moonlight for those I helped, and darker than the worst of nightmares for those who wronged us.’

How far would you go to save your skin?

I’m a selkie, trapped above the waves until I can recover my skin. Humans used to call us seal-wives many years ago – before they broke the planet. Up here, the magic is fading and Old Ones like me are traded as trophies for rich and powerful humans to display in collections.

Without the Old Ones, the magic fades, without magic, the planet dies.

Humankind has gone too far and someone has to put a stop to it. I just wasn’t expecting it to be me.

Purchase Link



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Starts: October 17th, 2021 at 12:00am EST
Ends: October 23rd, 2021 at 11:59pm EST

Author Info

Writer of words, builder of worlds. J E Hannaford is powered by coffee, dragons and whisky. She teaches Biology in the real world and invents fantasy beasts to populate her own.

‘I have always loved books. I was the kind of child who thought they were reading sneakily, while my parents tiptoed past the cracks of light from under my bedroom door. Nights passed in a blur of words as I vanished willingly into their pages, lost for days, only coming up for air to deal with the real world when it called.

My imagination has always been sparked by my cultural mythology. From the creatures of The Mabinogion to modern folk stories, I devoured them all. I have a natural affinity for dragons too, after all, every sunset is merely the Welsh Dragon calling me home.

I fell in love with biology too. Marine biology to be specific. The weird and wonderful animals on this world and the legacy and hints of its previous occupants are endlessly fascinating.

All these things – these dreams and fascinations – were bound to merge one day, finding their blending in the Black Hind’s Wake series. I invite you to submerge yourself in a world filled with characters I’d both want to meet, and be afraid to, with deep, dark places, hidden secrets and wondrous creatures.

May my worlds and characters find a home in your heart, the way so many others live in mine.’

J. E. Hannaford


Follow the rest of the tour here.

Spotlight: A Drowned Kingdom, by P.L. Stuart


A Drowned Kingdom

A Drowned Kingdom
by P.L. Stuart
Series: The Drowned Kingdom Saga (#1)
Published: February 2, 2021 by Friesen Press
Genre: Epic High Fantasy
Pages: 438
POSSIBLE ULTIMATE TOUR EXPERIENCE TICKETS: It’s All About The Journey, That Ship Has Sailed, The Wings Of Change, Bring On The Magic

Once Second Prince of the mightiest kingdom in the known world, Othrun now leads the last survivors of his exiled people into an uncertain future far across the Shimmering Sea from their ancestral home, now lost beneath the waves. With his Single God binding his knights to chivalric oaths, intent on wiping out idolatry and pagan worship, they will have to carve out a new kingdom on this mysterious continent―a continent that has for centuries been ravaged by warlords competing for supremacy and mages channeling the mystic powers of the elements―and unite the continent under godly rule.

With a troubled past, a cursed sword, and a mysterious spirit guiding him, Othrun means to be that ruler, and conquer all. But with kingdoms fated on the edge of spears, alliances and pagan magic, betrayal, doubt, and dangers await him at every turn. Othrun will be forced to confront the truths of all he believes in on his journey to become a king, and a legend.

When one kingdom drowns, a new one must rise in its place. So begins the saga of that kingdom, and the man who would rule it all.

Friesen Press


Author Info

P.L. was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, and is a Canadian high fantasy author, currently living in Chatham, Ontario, Canada. He holds a Degree in English, with a specialization in Medieval Literature and a Minor in History from York University in Toronto, Canada. P.L. has also recently become a member of the amazing Before We Go Blog blogging Team, headed by the awesome Beth Tabler.

P.L. was written for community newspapers, volunteer publications, and various essays in University. P.L’s first novel A Drowned Kingdom was recently published in February of 2021. A Drowned Kingdom has topped the best-selling charts of the publishing-assist company FriesenPress, and been met overall with excellent reviews, including being mentioned in the esteemed Kirkus Magazine’s recent Indie Issue among “Four Great Examples of the Genre” of fantasy. It is the first book in a planned 7-book series, and a total of 20 proposed books in the same universe P.L. has created. P.L. is currently working on The Last of the Atalanteans, the second book in The Drowned Kingdom Saga.

P.L. is married, and he and his wife Debbie have seven children, and one precocious grandchild between them. When not writing, or Indie-author-associated activities, P.L. is a voracious reader, and loves to read and review books, spends time with family, tries to get some exercise time, and watches Netflix.




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